Anyone remember Thunder Ridge? If you can believe it, there it used to be a swimming resort and miniature golf course up in the foothills east of Idaho Falls. The swimming part had a large pool and a big blue tube to swim down the hill. I spent many summers there as a kid, and don’t recall when or why it closed down. In high school, we sluffed school and found the old blue tube still on the hillside one day.
I think the time is ripe for another Thunder Ridge-type of entertainment complex. A big swimming pool, setup at least two different water tubes, and look at a water-spray area for little kids. Moscow Idaho built a city pool a few years ago with really great spray facilities, and they cannot even run their park as many summer days as we can..
I don’t know the economics of running a miniature golf course anymore, but a couple paintball fields could be added to this complex. Other possibilities include the inflated sumo-wrestling suits and one of those big parachute air tunnels. I think the foothills is a great location for it since you would have cheaper property taxes than in our city limits and you also have a view up there of the valley.
Popularity: 8%
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ya! And then in the winter you could have some great vandalizm from high school kids who are skipping school. That would be cool!
Top ↑I already play paintball up there. = )
The old tower makes a great base for capture the flag.
Top ↑I thought I heard a rumor someone was starting a new water park around Idaho Falls.
My buddy’s mom painted the Thunder Ridge pool, so they got free passes for the entire summer. It was a lot of fun.
Top ↑I remember that place it would be a blast to see it live again!
Top ↑If we can keep the owner of the Apple Club from intervening again….maybe we can built a nice recreation center for kids….and have a Thunder Ridge equivalent that can be indoors for use year round!
Top ↑I do agree with “Mike” that we could have a wonderful community rec center that would truly add to our children’s lives here.
Top ↑We already have a great community rec center. Your local YMCA has a number of great programs for kids and adults of all ages. Check it out sometime.
Top ↑Granted it’s not like the “Thunder Ridge” deal VP is talking about, but its a great place to take the kids and to get them involved in all sorts of fun & exciting activities this summer.
Scoobysnax…what we are talking about is a pool and slide for kids to use…a basketball facility that can have several courts for kids to use (the Y’s is pathetic and the City’s is too cramped and used by adults all the time). Some people can’t afford the Y “really”!
Top ↑This is one area where other cities including Pocatello definately has IF beat. I would love to see an outdoor facility that includes a pool, a kiddie pool, a slide, and maybe even mini-golf and batting cages. Not to mention a food court and whatever else someone can put together. A place like this would really fly in IF.
Top ↑Thunder Ridge burned down several years ago (after it went out of business). The old pool is still up on top of Iona hill.
I remember coming into the “big city” and enjoying it when I was a teen in the early 80′s. Yes, I.F. needs another family rec. type place. It would do quite well financially IMHO, and I can’t think of a better use for one of these abandoned gravel pits we have scattered about the area.
Top ↑An outdoor pool wouldn’t be feasible here as you’d only be able to use it a couple months out of the year. Which is why thunder ridge went out of business. Now if they had a large indoor complex that could operate year-round…THAT would be a major cash cow!
Top ↑Thunder Ridge was an indoor pool. I don’t know if it was able to be operated year round or not, that was too many years ago. The waterslide was outdoors, I do remember that much.
You are correct that an outdoor pool is not feasible for our climate. I think pools in general have wanned in popularity in the last 20 years. Look at Blackfoot for example. They can barely keep it open with the revenue it generates, let alone pay for some much needed repairs. A water park is what is needed. Something more diverse than a hole in the ground. Water slides, saunas, hot pools, diving boards, olympic sized pool, etc. I’m sure Mr. Vandersloot could find enough change in his pocket lint to fund such a construction project.
Top ↑Would-be investors should check with Lava Hot Springs, Downata, and the Pocatello – Ross Park pools to see how they do it and keep opening year after year. Pros and cons, suggestions, etc. I think IF has the potential to rival any of them with the right planning. We definately have the population with many families and money to spend.
Top ↑I’m hearing lots of different people talk about this idea, the question is who will come up with the business plan, financial projections, and find a venture capitalist first?
Some interesting ideas I’ve heard include making a mini Grand Teton mountain range, with the water tubes coming down the “mountains”.
Another interesting idea is for a lazy river for folks to relax and a current moves them around the water park leisurely. This would also be good for the teenagers, hanging out on their inner tubes.
A viable way to keep this business taking in money through the evening would be to have a little laggoon and beach circling the lagoon, then have a bar on the beach, and there are adult parties serving alcohol. Where else around here do you find beach parties?
Top ↑Does anyone know if Snake River Landing plans anything of this type? When I read about their gymansaium/activity type center, close to the performing arts center, I’m not sure.
Maybe someone knows more than I about what rec plans both Snake River Landing and Sunnyside Crossroads Regional Shopping Center have. SCRSC clearly has plans for entertainment of many varities.
Just wondering if others are already addressing the issue.
Top ↑I was very interested in reading this topic since I am very familiar with Thunder Ridge and its history.
Thunder Ridge was originally called “Panorama Hills Swimming Pool” and did not have the outdoor water slide until later, though it had a creative mini-golf course. When new owners bought the pool, they built the large water slide and the name changed to Thunder Ridge. It did quite well financially while it operated. The main reason Thunder Ridge went out of business was that the owner of the land raised the lease so high that the owners of the pool could no longer afford to operate it. After closing, it sat dormant for several years and was severely vanadalized during that time. The waterslide (tube), which at one time was the longest in the Northwestern U.S., was eventually torn down because people would actually go up there and slide down it (some with skateboards) and it was a safety concern (as it was not maintained). The pool was also torn down due to vandalism and safety concerns. The miniature golf course is still there but covered with weeds and brush.
The hill where Thunder Ridge was located is now being aggressively developed. I think it is still a prime location for a water park/pool/slide, etc. However, I do not know who now owns the land where the pool was located.
Thunder Ridge did operate during the winter but the outdoor portion (mini-golf and water slide) were closed during the winter.
I think a water park would do great in Idaho Falls. The metro area is much larger than Pocatello. I know people go to Poky now (Ross Park) from I.F. and even Rexburg, so I think it would do great.
The advantage of a hillside location is that it allows for all sorts of water slides, but I think it could do well in the valley as well. Probably somewhere along the U.S. 20 corridor or near I-15 (possible Sunnyside exit) would be a great location as well.
Top ↑Yah! Awesome history, thank you very much for adding that.
So it sounds like anyone looking to try this idea would want to secure land ownership, not lease terms.
Longest water slide in north america, right here in Idaho Falls?
We could do it again…
It would make those developments that much more in demand if they had the state’s best water park in the middle.
C’mon, somebody please do it!
Top ↑We could suggest it to Idaho’s newest Lotto winners!
Top ↑I miss Thunder Ridge. I think it is about time we had a pool to go play at that didn’t charge $5 for only 3hrs of swimming.
Top ↑Check out — There is one of these in Rapid City SD. This would do great in IF! 30, 000 Square Feet of WaTiki Waterpark Fun!
Top ↑i have been to the watiki water park in South dakota and it was a blast. It was nice because it was indoors so even if it rained our day wouldn’t have been runined. We also go to pocatello at least once a year because there is nothing here in town.
Top ↑I predict that someone in southeast Idaho is going to open a major water park in the next five years, the question is which city locale will get it?
I really hope someone is moving on this idea in the Idaho Falls area, it would really be a coup for our city to get it.
Top ↑For those of you who have speculated on this property, and why it closed, please keep your mouths shut if you don’t know what really happened.
I am the daughter of the current owners of Thunder Ridge. There is only one “PARTIAL” accurate account by “Ionammon” of what happened to this complex. The complex was purchased, in which we held the note. By the time that we could legally forclose on the property, and take over the complex once again, local teens from the local area had leveled, deystroyed, and vandalized the property. Every attempt was made to keep locals out of the property, however, every fence and gate was repeatedly torn down, and weren’t able to keep anyone from trespassing.
It is true that the slide was taken down due to teens sliding down with skateboards, etc. The building that covered the main indoor pool was taken down and relocated. The rest of the debris from the building was pushed into the swimming pools, and burned.
The land where Thunder Ridge was located, is still being vandalized today, by local party goers, and local teens. Many people feel the need to dump their trash, and old blad tires in the pool-which is absolutely astounding that someone can’t be responsible to take care of their trash in the rightful way.
This area of land, is NOT being developed. The area around the property is. We have no current plans as of yet or if and when we will do anything with this property. So, until then, keep hoping for a water park, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon, at least, not on that property.
Top ↑Audrey,
Top ↑Can you tell me any history on the deaths that occured in the area of Thunder ridge? Locals have told me abo0ut dry lighting hitting the area and killing many, A friend of mine lost two friends he was following in the area, they were going 20 miles an hour, no bad weather and they rolled the truck five times killing them both and there was not any obviose reason why. also the well that is in the area. I have heard these death statments from many diferent people. people who do not know each other that I have come into conntact with, Do you know anything about it??
Wheres all the strip clubs?
Top ↑i had BIG gay BUTT sex up in that pool at like 12 oclock at night. it was quite nippy and if anyones fines a extra large magnum email me
Top ↑You would never find me in a public swiming or wading pool, let alone a water slide. Just think of all the bacteria, and butt scum, as well as urine swiming around. Gross, just plain gross, and well as the posibility of catching some stomach illness. Sick, Sick Sick!
Top ↑Don’t drink water, fish… well, you know what fish do in it…
I, for one, would love to see MORE water related attractions in the area. I’d also love to see the weather shape up so we could use them.
Gots me a bit of the cabin fever…
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